
you can call me madame josie

Honourifics are an important part of the dynamic and building the right scene. But they also come after time by building familiarity with each other and our chemistry together. So, until we have gotten to know each other you may refer to me as Madame Josie. Maybe one day we will discover a different honourific but for now the most respectful name is Madame.

How to get in touch:

The first step is to familiarise yourself with my website. Go ahead and give each page a read. It won’t take long.

Once you have done that, fill out the booking form here:

This form makes it super easy for you to make a great first impression as well as get all the necessary screening info out of the way quickly.

I will be in touch in 24 hours.

Screening and Deposit:

Unfortunately, these are not negotiable. I require proof of name, that’s all, which you can do with a LinkedIn profile (link) or a link to another professional website. If those aren’t an option, you can provide a picture of your ID with only your name and your photo visible. I don’t want or need anything else.

A 50% deposit will be required once I have all of your screening and we have confirmed that date and time of our encounter. Deposits will be returned if I have to cancel. Cancellations with less than 48 hours notice will not be returned for local encounters.

Touring and Fly Me To You:

While I love to tour, it’s a tricky endeavour, because of this, cancellations within 2 weeks of my departure for tours and FMTY date will not be returned.

The Nitty Gritty:

Please have the donation in an envelope ready to be provided once we have said hello. Once we get this part out of the way we can dive into the fun. Your time starts when I have received the envelope.

Showers are required for all guests. I provide all the requirements for a thorough clean; soap options (scented or unscented), wash cloth, towel, and mouth wash. Please make use of all these things while you’re cleaning up. Fresh and clean is the sexiest state of being!

For your information: I do not ever engage in situations where I am in a submissive role. The amount of contact depends on the kind of session we are having. When you arrive we will discuss in more detail the information you have provided in your booking form as well as any other necessary topics.